Mac – What are good warranty coverage options for a pre-owned Mac


I am really looking at getting a used Mac Pro, and there are a lot of good used machines out there that will meet my needs that are around $1500. I was wondering what options I can get to help cover the repair / replacement of a used Mac Pro in the rare event that something goes wrong with it? A lot of the machines I am looking at are used and not refurbished and are not eligible for AppleCare any more. What do you use to cover your pre-owned and somewhat pricey used Macs?

Best Answer

Your best bet is probably to look for a third party insurance company that offers policies for used computers. I ran a Google search for "third party insurance for used computers" and come up with one example insurance company, Safeware.

Whether such a warranty or insurance policy is worth the cost depends on how much you acquired your used Mac for and how much you value "peace of mind", since these policies are likely to be expensive and come with fairly strict limitations in coverage.