Mac – Unable to mount Time Capsule from a Macbook when backups work


I have two Macbooks (A and B). A backs-up to Time Capsule (TC), while B does not. I used to mount TC and move files there, which I don't want to keep on A or B.

Few weeks ago it became impossible to mount TC on A, while B is still mounting fine. A continues to do backups to TC as usual. A does not show TC in left sidebar in Finder (B does), but one can find it via Networks. Trying to connect to partition takes forever. The partition is showed as mounted, however, /Volumes/ does not have it so as Disk Utility.

I restarted both TC and A, but the problem persists. Is there anything else I can reset to solve this issue?

Buttons to unmount and to "connect as…" do not respond:


$ df -g
Filesystem    1G-blocks Used Available Capacity  iused   ifree %iused  Mounted on
/dev/disk1          232  226         5    98% 59416761 1564485   97%   /
devfs                 0    0         0   100%      696       0  100%   /dev
map -hosts            0    0         0   100%        0       0  100%   /net
map auto_home         0    0         0   100%        0       0  100%   /home

Best Answer

Re-adding the Time Capsule to Time Machine may work

I used to face problems with the mount. Removing the Time Capsule (TC) from A's Time Machine and re-adding helped.

Otherwise, the obvious ultimate solution would be to remove the A's backup from TC completely and take a fresh backup.