Mac – Turn mac into a personal hotspot while connected to network via wi-fi


I have two computers, one is a mac and the other is a windows PC. My mac is connecting to a home network through Wi-Fi but my windows PC isn't picking up the signal.

I want to turn my Mac into a personal hotspot, to see if the windows PC can connect to the home network through my mac. All the information I can find says to connect the mac to the network through an ethernet cable first, but I don't have one handy. I need to be able to do this through wi-fi.

It's not critically important, but it is an interesting problem.

Best Answer

Your Mac would need two WiFi interfaces to do that. You could add a USB plug-in one, or you could use an Airport Express as a WiFi extender with no connection needed to either computer. I see older AExes listed on Craigslist for $40 - $50.