Mac – Scrubbing chapters and not losing stop points on audiobooks on iPod nano


  1. Is there a way to scrub through a chapter on the 6th gen nano? I have only been able to scrub chapter to chapter which isn't useful when you become distracted and want to rewind 30 seconds.

  2. Is there a way to not lose the stop point in the audiobook when you plug into the computer to recharge battery? When I connect the nano to my computer to recharge (auto add etc. is all disabled) the place you stopped at is lost.

Best Answer

If it works the same as an iPhone, on the headphone cable press the volume down button (-) 3 times in quick succession and hold it down on the 3rd press. This goes into a rewind mode that rewinds as long as you hold the button down.

You can go into a fast forward mode in a similar manner with 2 presses and hold down.