Mac – OneDrive files which appear in Finder but not in terminal


It sounds crazy, I know. Usually its the other way round – you can see files in terminal which are not visible in Finder.

I have a problem which is the other way round. I have a folder – /Users/me/OneDrive/stuff/sa that has one PNG in it. OneDrive is saying there is a problem with the file and the folder. I can see both in the Finder, and if I do "info" there is nothing wrong with them (e.g. no spaces or dodgy characters).

However, If I open Terminal, and do cd /Users/me/OneDrive/stuff then ls -ld sa it shows nothing, and if I do ls it is missing form the list. pwd shows I am in /Users/me/OneDrive/stuff.

I am a Unix sys admin – I have tripple checked and what I am seeing should not be possible.

The file and folder are quite old, and have not changed recently.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Okay, same problem here. I just installed a Go package library from which resulted in $GOPATH/src/ folder showing in Finder but not showing or accessible in Terminal. I can even open the files in both Finder and in my JetBrains editor GoLand with no problem. But I have no means of going to the directory in Terminal.

I also can confirm they are not symbolically linked either. When I run ls -la on the $GOPATH/src folder I just get but in Finder it shows and as sub-directories under src directory. I have Read/Write permission on both sub-directories.