Mac laptop to TV issue: mirror display doesn’t work


I can get the laptop display onto the screen but when I click Mirror Display it doesn't work and loses the signal. I have a MacBook Pro and the TV is a Samsung. I'm connecting via an HDMI cable. Any ideas? After all the videos I have watched when I click mirror display it should work.

Best Answer

It seems to me that the frequency you have your laptop configured at is not supported by your TV.

When using mirror displays, it usually mirrors your main screen (resolution & frequency). Your main screen would be the one where you have the Dock and Menu bar.

Can I ask why would you want to mirror display on your TV? Is this for watching videos? If so, I would recommend you to do the following:

  • Connect your HDMI cable
  • Click on detect displays, disable mirroring
  • Install VLC player

With VLC you can use your second screen on full screen mode without the need of mirroring.