Mac – How to remove .sparsebundle files in the home folder from being excluded by Time Machine


I have a problem in that any .sparsebundle I create in my home folder tree is not getting backed up to time machine.

It is like an 'exclude by path' but I can't remove it or see where it is defined.

# whoami
# tmutil isexcluded /Users/andy/atest.sparsebundle /Users/Administrator/atest.sparsebundle
[Excluded]  /Users/andy/atest.sparsebundle
[Included]  /Users/Administrator/atest.sparsebundle
# defaults read /Library/Preferences/ ExcludeByPath
    "/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/PlayReady"
# ls -l@ /Users/andy/atest.sparsebundle
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 0 18 Oct 20:54 /Users/andy/atest.sparsebundle
# xattr -l /Users/andy/atest.sparsebundle
# rm /Users/andy/atest.sparsebundle
# tmutil isexcluded /Users/andy/atest.sparsebundle
[Excluded] /Users/andy/atest.sparsebundle

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Have you tried removing the exclusion with the tmutil command?

tmutil removeexclusion /Users/andy/atest.sparsebundle