Mac – How to install older Xcode version from the App Store


I want to install Xcode 6 or 7 but I don't have a stable internet connection so installing the .dmg file with around 2-4GB file size will probably end badly. I was thinking of a way where I can install it safely where if I lose my internet or receive slow connection, I can automatically resume it normally without failing the download. This would be possible if I install it through the App Store but I can't seem to find how I can get specific versions.

Is there a way to do this or another method that would suit my situation?

Best Answer

if you have previously purchased the xcode version you are interested in, you can download it again from the purchased tab in the app store


"There are older versions of Xcode available at the Apple Developer website, but as long as you just use the latest non-beta version of the SDK, you should be fine. E.g. just use Xcode 3.2.5 and iOS 4.2 SDK. The NDA only covers the pre-release versions"
