Get Technical Information on Video Card – Model, RAM, MHz


I'd like to get as much technical information about my MacOSX's video card as possible… technical details, even serial number if the card has a unique identifier.

I intend to use this information do research what GPU specific commands I can run on a given laptop.

Best Answer

Click on the Apple icon in the upper left hand corner of your menu bar and select About This Mac from the menu.

In the dialog that appears click on the More Info... button to bring up the detailed about dialog.

enter image description here

Click on the System Report... button and you'll get a split-window dialog that has hardware components down the left side and details on the right.

enter image description here

Click on Graphics/Displays on the left. Pick a graphics card from the right side and you'll see all the details the system provides about it.

enter image description here

You can also get to the System Report by running Applications -> Utilities -> System Information.