APFS – How to Delete or Show Size of Non-TimeMachine Snapshot

apfshigh sierratime-machine

tmutil not only stores Time Machine snapshots, but also snapshots for other applications. E.g.:

~% tmutil listlocalsnapshots /

This is a snapshot from a backup/sync application called ChronoSync.

My question: How can I determine the size it takes on my hard disk, and how can I delete it?

I'm using High Sierra, and there is no hidden /.MobileBackups folder, nor is anything (other than my hard disk) mounted at /Volumes.

Edit: I can mount the snapshot using the following commands:

~ » sudo mdkir /tmp/snapshotbackup
~ » sudo mount_apfs -s com.econtechnologies.chronosync.236A7A4F-5F96-4F99-8559-57D3965BF6BA.1575374525 / /tmp/snapshotbackup

From there, I can determine the size:

~ » sudo du -sh /tmp/snapshotbackup/

Clearly, this is a stray snapshot that is causing my disk to fill. However, that 204G is so large (on a 250 G disk), that is surely contain files also present on my hard disk (I kind of assume APFS uses hard symlinks here). However, I'm hesitant to delete and files from /tmp/snapshotbackup/ fearing I may thus delete (hardlinked) files from my regular disk (not likely, but I prefer to be cautious).

So I still have the question how can I determine the size this snapshot takes on my hard disk, and how can I delete it?

Best Answer

I received a reply from the author of ChronoSync, and he helpfully explained the following option to manage snapshots.

To list snapshots:

diskutil apfs listSnapshots /

To delete snapshots:

diskutil apfs deleteSnapshot / -name <name_of_snapshot>

This seems the better option, which unfortunately doesn't seem listed elsewhere (all other guides I found only mention tmutil). I couldn't test, since I already deleted it with CCC.