Mac – How to change the environment variables for VLC on macOS High Sierra

high sierramac

Recently, I was working on a project when I cam upon the following instruction (one of the many here:—install-dependencies) :

After you've installed VLC, set the following environment variables:

VLC_PATH: point this to the VLC libs folder.
Sample Mac OS X location: /Applications/

VLC_PLUGIN_PATH: point this to the VLC plugins folder.
Sample Mac OS X location: /Applications/

How does one do the following? I am using High Sierra, macOS. My Shell is ZSH.

Best Answer

From the terminal

nano .profile

Then paste the following lines:

export VLC_PATH=/Applications/
export VLC_PLUGIN_PATH=/Applications/

To save, press Ctrl + X then press Y and finally Enter. Afterwards, restart your terminal.