Mac – How to change Terminal so that I don’t have to press ESC every time I want to type a meta-modified key


Currently in emacs/terminal, I have to press ESC every time I want to send an escaped keystroke, eg: to go forwards two words, I have to press:

ESC+f; ESC+f

How do I change the system so that I just have to press and hold ESC once?:


Best Answer

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a way to get ESC-f to repeat and it has something to do with ESC. Here's one solution that will work:

Currently, is using ESC as META. You can change this to (option) like this.

  1. Visit Terminal -> Preferences ( -, ).
  2. Select the Keyboard Tab on the right
  3. Check the "Use option as meta key" box at the bottom of the Keyboard pane

Now enjoy repeating commands that involve meta by using the option key instead of ESC.