Mac – generate Keynote presentation from text or Markdown

emacskeynotemarkdownms officeslideshow

Is there a way to automatically generate a Keynote presentation from a source file written in text format, Markdown format, or org-mode?

I know that Pandoc and other tools can generate HTML-based slideshows from Markdown. But Keynote allows you to put all your speaker notes to yourself in "Presenter View," which allows you to have a detailed view of your slideshow + notes on your laptop, and project a clean presentation that is not cluttered up with all your speaker notes.

(Whereas with HTML presentations, since there's only one window, you either have to put your speaker notes in the presentation slide itself, or put your speaker notes elsewhere.)

So can I generate a Keynote presentation, or at least a barebones one with slide headlines, from another source?


# A headline

![some image](

Some text here.

# A headline

![some image](

- bullet point
- bullet point

# A headline

![some image](

Some text. 

> Speaker notes.

Best Answer


md2key is exactly what you want. md2key is an open source tool for converting markdown to Keynote presentations.


Install md2key with the command:

gem install md2key


  1. Create a keynote document
  2. Create a first slide as a cover slide
  3. Create a second slide to choose a slide layout
  4. Then execute md2key

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