Mac exectuable only starts with ./name even when $path set


I'm trying to install Mongo but having trouble with the $PATH var in MacOS. Following the guidelines. My $PATH is set in .bash_profile:

 export PATH=/Users/evl/dev/mongodb/bin⁩:$PATH

which works:

echo $PATH

entering mongo on command line from other directory:

:~ evl$ mongo
-bash: mongo: command not found

I expected that mongo would be found now the $PATH is set

entering ./mongo on command line from mongo bin directory:

cd /Users/evl/dev/mongodb/bin⁩
MongoDB shell version v4.0.3
connecting to: mongodb://

So now mongo runs. But only if I move to the folder and I enter './mongo'.

I would expect with the $PATH variable set correctly, the executable would run from any directory. It should actually. What is going wrong? Any help is appreciated!

Best Answer

I just typed everything again, exactly the same as before, but no copy-paste, and now the issue was gone. Some strange characters, invisible, might have shifted in .. Weird.. but happy to continue now..