Mac – Downloading HTML Entities guide on TextWrangler for Mac


TextWrangler for Mac does not have an HTML Entities palette built in to easily put special characters and symbols into your code. Is there a way to download one and integrate it into the program?

Best Answer

TextWrangler is a sunsetted product. Bare Bones software no longer updates it or supports it.

You might want to look into BBEdit, the grandfather of Mac code editors. BBEdit has a free mode where certain features are not available. I've been using it since the "Classic Mac OS" days so I am not sure what the pulled features are in the free version. But BBEdit does have exactly what you are looking for, it's a fabulous bit of Mac code. What other app can get away with the tag line "it doesn't suck?!"

(Note, I have no financial -or otherwise- interest in Bare Bones Software, just a happy customer.)