iCloud – Solving Appstore Error 500 (com.apple.commerce.client)


I've just formatted my SSD and reinstalled MacOS Mojave 10.14.3 (18D109). So this is a clean install. The first thing I did was try to install Keynote, Pages and Numbers.

The problem is: I cannot connect to my apple account through appstore and cannot install any app (I urgently need Keynote).

I found several people online with similar problems and followed some steps but all of them unsuccessful

I tried to sign out of icloud, restart, sign in

I tried to restart the laptop several times

I tried to clean some folder in the Library

I tried to remove the app-store configuration files

I tried to sign in on itunes and sign out

The current behavior is: I open the app store and see that I am not signed in on the lower left corner. Then I either try to sign in inputting my email and password but failing silently, or I try to install an app while signed out and it asks me to sign in. After inputting username and password the error 500 (com.apple.commerce.client) appears.

If I incorrectly insert my password, I expectedly see a message saying that the password is incorrect.

I would love to understand what the problem is and how to solve it.

Please help me!

Best Answer

this worked for me (what the user 'trs96' said): https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/appstore-the-operation-couldnt-be-completed-com-apple-commerce-client-error-500.270957/

basicly, just fire up a terminal session and run this command:

defaults write com.apple.appstore.commerce Storefront -string \
    "$(defaults read com.apple.appstore.commerce Storefront | sed s/,8/,13/)"
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