Mac – Accidentally deleted /opt/local/bin/compare


I accidentally deleted /opt/local/bin/compare on a OSX Mavericks‎ system, and am not sure how to get it back.

The problem caused by this is that macports can no longer install anything.

Warning: Error parsing file /opt/local/bin/compare: Error opening or reading file

I tried re-installing, now I'm trying updating.

Does anyone know where this file originates and how to reinstall it?

Google'ing hasn't helped much so farMavericks‎, nor do I know anyone else with a mac that I could look around on for this file.


(I couldn't create the tag osx-mavericks, but I think this message should be labeled with it.)

Best Answer

/opt/local/bin/compare is not a OS X Mavericks supplied program.

Try to retrace your steps. The simplest is to reinstall MacPorts. Follow the entire installation guide! (i.e. reinstall Xcode and the Xcode command line tools and then MacPorts itself).