Looking for workflow or script for saving Kindle documents


I'm using a Kindle DX (3G, no WiFi) for reading documents saved from the web with Readability. Because Amazon charges a conversion cost for these documents I'm forwarding the documents to my foo.baz@free.kindle.com account.

Amazon then forwards these as emails to me where I use Gmail or Mail.app to click on the link inside each message and laboriously save the corresponding foo.azw download to my Kindle.

I'm wondering if anyone has created an automator workflow or an Applescript that can visit a group of unread Amazon emails and use the links in each to download the corresponding .azw files?

If there's a better way to go about this I'd also be delighted to hear about it.

Best Answer

My solution requires you to have an ifttt and Dropbox accounts :

  1. Sign in to http://ifthisthenthat.com/
  2. create a Dump Kindle doc recipe as follow :
    • Gmail trigger : New email from
      Enter your foo.baz@free.kindle.com email adress
    • Dropbox action : Add file from url
      File URL : {{Body plain}} (use the + Addins listbox)
      Dropbox folder path : whatever...

Then url of the .azw file will be automatically extracted from the mail (I tested it because was not clear for me) and corresponding file will be downloaded to your Dropbox folder!