Software Recommendation – Best App to Name Colors on Mac for Colorblind Users

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I am colorblind. I am looking for an app to help me identify colors by their basic names (blue, green, …) when I am working on powerpoint or excel on mac (OSX 10.12).

On windows, I was using whatcolor quite successfully. This app translates the RGB code of the pixel under your mouse into intelligible color names such as blue, green, … it's a real time-saver when you have to create powerpoints or excel.

I could not find anything similar so far on mac. I tried apps such as Visolve or Sim Daltonism but they did not have this simple functionality.

Please note I am not looking for a color picker such as DigitalColor Meter, that would just read out color RGB codes from pixels. I need a tool that "names" colors, stay on top of screen, with a compact window, just like whatcolor.

Best Answer

There are 2 apps on mac that name colors to help people with color blindness:

  • A free app called ColorCompass. It basically does the same job as WhatColor, although with a more simple color naming system. It's small, has instant color naming and stay on top of other windows.
  • Also a free app called ColorQuest. But this app takes more screen space and is quite slow. I did not find a way to make it stay on top, a deal breaker for me.

As a background, I am colorblind too and I personally use ColorCompass on my Mac to work with Mac Office all day long on a daily basis.