Command-Line – Linux ‘ps f’ Tree View Equivalent on OSX

command linecompatibilityunix

How can I get a tree view like the one below on OSX?

vartec@some_server:~$ ps xf
11519 ?        S      0:00 sshd: vartec@pts/0
11520 pts/0    Ss     0:00  \_ -bash
11528 pts/0    R+     0:00      \_ ps xf

To clarify, I'm mostly interested in the tree structure, not the extended information.

Best Answer

You can install the pstree command using either Homebrew (my personal favourite), MacPorts or Fink and you'll get a command-line, tree view of processes on your Mac.

With Homebrew installed, just run:

brew install pstree

then use it like pstree from the command line.