Latex formatting on iMessage


I was wondering,

is it possible to allow for simple latex formatting on iMessage?
At least for just greek letters, it shouldn't be too different from the emoticons support.

Best Answer

It is actually possible to send arbitrarily complex LaTeX formulae with the help of LaTeXiT. The trick is fairly simple:

  1. Enter the LaTeXiT preferences and, in the first tab, set the export format as PNG. I also suggest to set the Scale to 250%, but this is a matter of taste.
  2. Type a LaTeX formula in iMessage (not need to put the dollars)
  3. Highlight the text, go to the iMessage -> Services menu and choose any of the LaTeXiT services (for instance, the "Display" one)
  4. Ta-dah! After few seconds, your Tex code will be converted into a PNG image, ready to be sent through iMessage!

PS: In case you don't see the service in the menu, go to your system preference and activate it:

enter image description here