Keyboard shortcut to decrease playback speed on YouTube doesn’t work with Chrome (on german keyboard layout?)


The playback speed on can be manipulated by using keyboard shortcuts < and >.

However, on my MacBook only the > for increasing playback speed seems to work while < does nothing.

What do I have to do, to make < work as well?
Is there a way to decrease playback speed with another key?

Edit: According to the keyboard shortcut list on YouTube Shift+, and Shift+. should increase/decrease playback speed as well. Both combinations do not work either.

Edit2: As @Tir Dy pointed out, it works in Firefox.

Best Answer

I have exactly the same problem and found a solution:

  1. Go to Preferences > Keyboards > Input Sources (Systemeinstellungen > Tastatur > Eingabequellen) and add another keyboard layout, e.g. "English".
  2. Activate the keyboard input in the menu bar (checkbox below called "Eingabequellen in der Menüleiste anzeigen" in German).
  3. Now you can switch the keyboard layout to English and then Shift-press "," or "." on YouTube in order to slow down or speed up.

Background information:

On US/UK keyboards the < and > symbols are on two different physical keys next to the m key and both of them have to be shift-pressed.

On a German keyboard the < and > symbols are both on the same physical(!) key (right next to the left shift key).

Probably this is the cause problem, so the < does not get detected, because YouTube thinks both functions (speed up, speed down) need the shift qualifier pressed simultaneously.