ITunes playlists won’t sort by Name anymore


I have recently had to upgrade to Windows 10, and with the 2 subsequent downloads of iTunes, I can no longer sort playlists by Name (Song title), which is what I prefer on my iPods. They USED to sort like the Songs list does (just click on Name and voila). Now I get fancy, multi-coloured lists I can't read or manipulate in any way. Not user-friendly at all. Help!

If I hadn't just had to completely re-create all playlists; all ratings, and reinstall all music into iTunes with the change, I'd be a lot more patient, but this is already a 6-month project to get back to where I was before.

Best Answer

Found here:

When displaying your playlist, hopefully you see something like this. If you do not, while viewing the playlist, use iTunes' menu to choose View > View As > Songs


Then in the header row that says "Name ... Time ... Artist ...", choose the field you wish to sort on and click that header button.