ITunes Connect payment made on a closed account


My iTunes connect is linked to an old account that closed on September 4 or 5, so I have no more access to it to check if the payment has been made on it.

I changed bank so I updated my banking infos in iTunes Connect in order to receive the next payments on my new banking account and received a mail on August 30, 2017 that saying my banking infos has been processed. But when I go to the Payments and Financial reports part in iTunes Connect for July, it is marked that the payment was made on September 7 on my old account, not the new one.

Will I receive an email from Apple saying that my payment has been refused and reported on the next month or something like that, or should I contact my old bank ?

Best Answer

If the charge was declined by your old bank, you'll get a message stating that there was a billing issue and it will ask you to update your billing info to correct the issue.

Theres more info and and an explanation on how to resolve the billing issue at this page.

If you didn't receive a message like that, I would suggest checking your current account to see if that charge appeared on it. If not I would recommend contacting Apple or your old bank.