Way to disable update notifications in Mojave


Short of killing all notifications, is there a way to stop "Updates Available" notifications from showing up, for app and system updates?

  • I already have "Automatically keep my Mac up to date" unchecked in Sys Prefs > Software Update
  • Everything in "Advanced…" there is unchecked
  • App Store > Prefs > Automatic Updates is unchecked

To head off any frame challenges, yes, I do perform regular manual updates, but when it doesn't interrupt my work. No, I will not tolerate automatic updates, and it doesn't matter why. Maybe I need a stable setup for development, video rendering, or I just don't like to be bothered with notifications about something that may require a restart, shutdown of critical apps, or any interruption to my work flow.

Best Answer

If you want to disable updates for specific apps, you can use softwareupdate --ignore.

Do all the following in Terminal

Start with

softwareupdate -l

to list all available updates,

defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.SoftwareUpdate.plist

to find the Identifier of the app you want to ignore, and then

softwareupdate --ignore 'Identifier'

to ignore the update. Should disappear from Software Updates in System Preferences immediately.