macOS – How to Open Multiple Applications with a Single Icon


When I use Mac, I tend to have to open a stack of applications at once, specifically:

  • Unity Hub
  • Visual Studio
  • Terminal
  • Opera


  • MAMP
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Opera
  • Terminal

So I was thinking about adding an icon on the dock or on the desktop to start all these applications with a single click. Is there a way?

Up to now I just found a way to do this with BASH, but I should run it from the terminal…

Best Answer

Yes, you can use Automator to create a workflow as an application, adding as many Launch Application actions as you wish. I'd also add a Pause action in between.

You can then drag the application from Finder onto the Dock if you wish.

enter image description here

Or you could use AppleScript in Script Editor, saved as an application, using as many tell application "appName" to launch statements. I'd also add a delay command in-between each.

Example AppleScript code:

property appNamesList : {"Chess", "Contacts", "Dictionary", "Font Book"}

repeat with appName in appNamesList
    tell application appName to launch
    delay 2
end repeat