Drag-n-drop SVG to PDF converter

file conversionpdf

I use Inkscape quite a bit to produce presentations. Since Inkscape doesn't handle multiple pages, I end up with a lot of individual .svg files. I then have to open each one and 'save as' a PDF to then import them all into preview. Which is kind of a pain.

Ideally preview would support SVG, but until then, I was wondering if there was a native OSX app I could use to just drop SVG files onto and have it spit out PDF versions. Anyone know if it exists?

Best Answer

If you have inkscape installed you can use its command line interface to convert svg to pdf.

/Applications/Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources/bin/inkscape test.svg --export-pdf test.pdf

Using Automator you'll be able to make a simple app that accept drag'n'drop.

Look for run shell script.