IPod Classic – Disc 1 and 2 of a double album are not consecutive in the cover flow


Some double albums correctly imported via iTunes are then not correctly diplayed in the cover flow. Disc 1 and Disc 2 of double albums are not consecutive despite the information, names etc are correctly uploaded.

How to get such albums displayed in sequence using the cover flow option?
Thank you for any contribution
Have a good day

Best Answer

Whenever I import a two disc set into iTunes, I edit the metadata so that the album names match across the two discs, rather than having disc numbers as part of each album name. It is still easy to see which disc is which because the metadata includes disc numbers (separate from the track numbers) which are independent of the album name.

As I recall an iPod sorts first by disc number and then by track number (or maybe iTunes does that and the iPod inherits the result), so the tracks play in what seems like the correct order.