IPhoto Lost Faces

#face recognitiondata-recoveryiphoto

I just noticed that my iPhoto lost all of the "Faces" data (reason unknown). It must have happened fairly recently. I sync the entire library with my iPad, and the faces are still on the iPad. And I definitely have Time Machine backups of the library on the computer (though I don't want to just restore to an earlier state because I've added photos since).

How would you guys recommend I go about restoring this data? If I have to, I can restore an earlier version of the whole library and open the library data file (it's just XML, right?) and manually copy data to the current file. I'm just curious what people here would recommend, if you're more familiar with the library format and all.

Best Answer

Try giving this a shot. Find your iPhoto library in your Pictures folder (unless you've moved it).

Right click on it, and hit Show Package Contents. In the resulting folder, look for two files named face_blob.db and face.db. These are the two files that probably got corrupted in your case.

Now, I'd browse your Time Machine backups and look for the last date when you had faces. Copy those two files from the past, and replace the current files (make a backup of those just in case).

That should do the trick.