IPhone X constantly pocket dialling (et al)


I have an iPhone X running iOS 12.1.2.

I find when I pull it from my shirt pocket it has often been "working" itself, I will be in some random app. Sometimes that results in a pocket dial or FT call, sometimes I'm in Messages with gibberish typed in, etc.

FaceId is turned on and the screen lights up when I look at it, so why is it going active in my pocket? Is there any way to stop this? It's very annoying.

Best Answer

Just in case this is a help to any future readers, I found the reason for my iPhone XS constantly pocket dialling being emergency contacts. When FaceID fails in my pocket, it manages to tap emergency and then either dial a random number or go into my Medical ID and call one of my emergency contacts.

Turning off emergency contacts has almost completely solved the problem, the only other problem being raise-to-wake which commonly activates in my pocket. I used a OnePlus before this (which sucked), but it did have this awesome feature called Pocket Mode which prevented the screen activating in my pocket - which I do miss.