IPhone – Windows live hotmail on iPhone


Setting up mail on my iPhone, I didn't see an option for MS Live Mail/Hotmail. I understand (due my mastery of search engines) that there are a few options. What's the best?

Best Answer

The priority for accessing any email service would be:

  1. Exchange: Push email, folders, syncs read/unread status, contact sync, calendar sync
  2. IMAP: Folders, syncs read/unread status
  3. POP3: Bare bones email reading, usually only useful for a single client unless you "keep a copy on the server"

It seems that some people have had success using Exchange; IMAP seems to require either a premium account or 3rd party software; and POP3 is possible for free accounts.

Keep an eye on Apple's page as they will probably update it as new solutions are added by Microsoft.