IPhone – Which iPhone 4S Cases actually fit


Alot of existing iPhone 4 cases are now being marketed as iPhone 4S cases; but I'm not sure that all of them would be compatible with an iPhone 4S. Can anyone who has found a case that fits add it to the answers?

For example my girlfriend has two Incipio iPhone 4 cases (DermaShot
and NGP) and neither of them fit my new iPhone 4S (due to the position
of the mute switch and the volume buttons) despite the Incipio site
saying that they are iPhone 4S cases.

Best Answer

Cases that are cut for specifically the iphone 4s or the CDMA version of the iphone 4 should fit the 4s.

Some iphone 4 cases will fit the original (gsm) version of the iphone and the CDMA version (the cut away around the mute button is large enough to support it in either position, basically). These should also be fine.

I've got an iphone 4 "bumper" from Apple that's been cut for both versions of the iphone 4, and it fits my 4s just fine.