IPhone – Where I can find My Lists in the recent Foursquare v8 app


After recent upgrade of Foursquare app (v8.0.2), all my Lists disappeared, so I can't find any method of accessing them from the iPhone app (I can still see them when accessing from the website).

Does it mean it's a bug, feature or managing of the lists are now no longer supported?

Best Answer

I've asked the support and I've received the following answer:

Currently you can save to your to-do list on the Foursquare app. Saving to other lists should be coming soon. Your lists are available if you visit Foursquare and navigate to Profile > Saved Places. See you existing lists by tapping on "See all of your saved lists."

To add to your list, simply go to a listing on Foursquare and hit “Save." To remove, simple tap "Save" again. Keep in mind lists are viewable to the public.

To learn more about lists and how you can use them on Foursquare check out this article: https://support.foursquare.com/hc/en-us/articles/201104950-Lists