IPhone – What’s a free/lightweight way to email a message to force an iPhone alert


At my job, we get specific emails that need to be responded to right away.

Currently, I filter and forward those emails to my SMS gateway address provided by AT&T (1234567890@txt.att.net). The problem is that they result in 16 text messages because there are 4 emails and each one results in 4 text messages.

Can anyone recommend a service or app that provides an email address that will result in an iPhone popup?

Best Answer

I don't know that you'll find a free one, because it costs money to maintain a server, the server in which you need to use with some software set up to communicate with the Apple Push Notification Service ("APNS").

We use Prowl (link goes to homepage, here is an iTunes App Store Link) at work in order to send Monitoring (NAGIOS) notifications to our phones. It's a $3 app, but it's also infinitely flexible.

It gives you an e-mail address you can use to just shoot notifications too, but it also offers an API you can use to do a lot of special things with.

More details if requested after you check out Zac's site. (Zac is the developer/maintainer/operator of Prowl app and it's associated server backend.)