IPhone – What tools are available to help organize iOS apps into folders


It used to be the case that we could organize iOS apps on iPhones and iPads by connecting them to a Mac and using some functionality in iTunes. But with recent changes to iTunes, this is no longer possible. If you have an iOS device with many apps on many home screens it is now more difficult to organize these apps into folders (by dragging the apps across many home screens). Can anyone recommend an easier way to accomplish this, including, perhaps, some third-party software that runs on a Mac?

Best Answer

You can use Apple Configurator 2, available on the MAS. It's intended as an enterprise tool for those managing lots of iDevices, but works just as well for one. It's fairly self explanatory and graphical in use.

Select your device, then from the menu bar: Actions | Modify | Home Screen Layout. There you can drag Apps about. You can even select multiple apps (Cmd-Click) and move them together.