IPhone – Weird screen fault


My iPhone 5 has recently developed a screen fault: a line going from the bottom left to the top right with other lines and / or a mold-like pattern (the photos don't exactly convey the full effect).

The weird thing is that it is not permanent – it comes and goes (although the diagonal line always stays, it just varies in intensity).

Unless it's a symptom of a very strange cause, I'm fairly sure that this isn't software-based.

I'm very careful with my phone so, as far as I can remember, the device hasn't suffered any physical or water damage.

I do have insurance but I'd just like to know what people think so I know exactly what to claim on.


6th February:

enter image description here

11th February:

enter image description here

27th March:

enter image description here

Best Answer

As I can see from your profile: You live in the UK. How's the winter this year? I mean: How cold is it? And how are you carrying your iPhone around? Inside your trouser's pocket? Or inside your coat's pocket? So yeah, maybe it sufferd from extreme differences in temperature plus condensation.