IPhone – video player on windows for iPhone recorded videos


I want a video player which can play iPhone 8 recorded videos on windows 10. Windows media player plays some but doesn’t play others … same for VLC player.
Thank you

More details were requested so here they are:

  • Is the VLC media player updated ?List item
    -> Yes
  • The file format of the videos that don't and do playback?
    -> .MOV doesn't play(except few which were actually live photos) /.MP4 plays.
  • Do they play on a different machine?
    -> No. Not on windows machine.
  • are the files showing black, or what is happening when you
    double-click click them/open them in VLC? Any error message?
    -> No error message on VLC. It doesn't play. Nothing happens on VLC whereas on Windows Media player it says an error occurred.

Hope that helps. Thanks.

Best Answer

Actually the Windows Media Player can play .HEIVC files after the installation of the HEVC plugin which is available through the Store. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/hevc-video-extensions-from-device-manufacturer/9n4wgh0z6vhq