IPhone – Transfer app and data from iphone 5s to iphone 6s


I have an iPhone 5s (iOS 8.2) and an iPhone 6s (iOS 10.2). On the old iPhone I have a banking app which I'd like to copy securely to the new iPhone, including all the app's data. I do not want to make a full backup. Both devices are using the same credentials for iCloud, none of the devices is jailbroken.

The app does not use iCloud.

Is it possible to copy only this single app without using third party software?

Best Answer

Given the way online banking is designed you shouldn't need to copy local data for the app, as the app is usually just a client for their website. You should be able to simply download a fresh copy of the app on your newer iPhone, sign in to the app, and load all of the necessary data from their servers (recent deposits/withdrawls/transfers, share account info etc. would all be kept on their end and simply sent to your phone temporarily over the network when the app requested it, unless that is your bank uses a very unorthodox device-locked system, which seems both unlikely as well as unreasonable behaviour for a bank.).