IPhone – The volume on the iPhone decreases randomly


The volume on my iPhone decreases randomly.

I'm afraid it is a hardware issue. Sometimes I listen to music and it decreases for no reason, then I push up volume button, and it increases a bit, but if I leave the button it decreases again (like if I'm pressing the down button as well).

Is it a bad news ?

Best Answer

Sounds like your down button is stuck, or sticking, or has a bad contact. Do the buttons feel, or sound different to each other? I would be trying the following highly non-scientific technical procedures:

  • Give it a damn good clean
  • Seriously, a really good one, get the finest vacuum nozzle you can and really give it a going over. Get a pin down the side of the buttons (carefully, and not deep) and try to see if you can clear out any crud
  • Pretend you are playing Daley Thompsons Decatlon on the volume buttons (For US readers, just think of any other button mashing game from the 80's). Press them often, press them fast, press them hard, so it at all angles
  • Clean it again, use some alcohol on the end of a cotton bud
  • Do the drop test. Bunch up your duvet, and fling your phone into it at high speed

Basically, you're just trying to either loosen off the mechanism, remove any crap trapped underneath, and prevent any sticking or unwanted contact etc.

I can't see it as being a software issues at all, personally.