IPhone – Show “Open in Background” Menu with a Long Press


On older iOS devices, if you pressed and held a link in Safari, it would pop up a menu with options like "Copy Link," "Open in Background," etc. On my current phone, doing this causes a preview window to open up and only shows these options if I swipe upward.

I'm not a huge fan of this new system – it doesn't let me see what the URL of the link I'm clicking is and it makes it harder to open a ton of links for later perusal.

Is there any way to disable this preview window and just show the menu of options?

Best Answer

This new menu is "Peek and Pop," which is activated by 3D touch. It works by measuring how much pressure you put on the screen when you touch it.

You can disable it or change the sensitivity in Settings > General > Accessibility > 3D Touch:

3D touch settings menu
