IPhone – RSS reader for iPhone with text-to-speech support


I have been using gReader for Android for a long time. Now, I would like to switch to iPhone and I need a replacement for this app.

Is there any RSS reader for iPhone that converts text-to-speech?

Best Answer

For RSS, I use Reeder 3, but you can probably use your favourite app, because…

iOS has built-in text-to-speech support system-wide for selectable or unselectable text.

Method 1: Select text and speak it

Open Settings → General → Accessibility → Speech and enable Speak Selection.

A Speak button will appear when you select text.

In an app like Reeder, hold down on the text, make a selection or choose Select All, then tap Speak.

Method 2: Speak all text

Open Settings → General → Accessibility → Speech and enable Speak Screen.

Swipe down with two fingers form the top of the screen to hear the content of the screen.

A HUD appears for controlling speech, which hide automatically or with the left arrow and unhidden with the right arrow.