IPhone – Profile app won’t verify



I am a jailbreaker, having used Unc0ver to jailbreak my phone. But I cant verify the profile. When I do it just untrusts it again. I have trusted it before. Being on Wi-Fi doesn't seem to make a difference, although I did take my phone camping and that's when it first stopped trusting the profile.


I have tried to look at other forums on this website, but they didn't help because they were talking about illegal apps (such as AppValley and PandaHelper).

How might I try resolving this?

Best Answer

The profile for the jailbreak was revoked by Apple, and you need to reinstall the app from wherever you installed it.

I would recommend using ignition.fun to install it again. The ignition.fun website will say at the top whether their applications are signed or not, which will tell you if you can install apps such as unc0ver from the website or not.

If you don't want to have to deal with the jailbreak apps being revoked, you can install the tweak ReProvision from the repository https://repo.incendo.ws which will allow you to automatically resign apps using your Apple ID.