IPhone – My iphone is empty and useless after ios update


I updated my iphone 4 ios today. But now when i on the iphone it shows an empty screen with IPHONE written in bold, when i unlock it, it shows me a list to select language, when i select it shows me another lis to select country. When i select a country, it takes me to wifi and a button that shows connect to itunes. When i click on connect to itunes, it shows a usb pointing to a music icon. I can't do anything on the iphone apart from this. I don't have a wifi connection and i can't get a pc now. What can i do, please ?

Best Answer

The USB pointing to iTunes icon means you need to connect your iPhone to iTunes. I think if you don't have a wifi connection and can't get to any PC with iTunes then you will have to wait until you get either one of those. Maybe you can ask a friend to bring a laptop round or go to theirs. Or try and find a wifi without a password nearby somewhere. Also I think most McDonald's have free wifi. Not sure if this will work as I haven't set up a new iOS device since 4S but go back to wifi and click skip. Then try to use your carrier's cellular network to set it up. Hope this helps.