IPhone – Missing advanced network settings for iPhone USB/Bluetooth tethering


My iPhone is tethered to my Mac laptop via Bluetooth or USB.

I want to set up a proxy on my Mac for use with the iPhone network interface, but unfortunately in Mac OS X 10.6, under System Preferences -> Network, the iPhone Bluetooth and iPhone USB network interfaces lack the standard options under the Advanced… tab. These Advanced… options are available in other interfaces (e.g., Airport, Ethernet, etc.).

I want to use the polipo caching proxy for tethered browsing, but I am unable to define an HTTP Proxy in the GUI, since these options are missing.

The prefpane windows for my tethered iPhone's network interfaces (Bluetooth & USB) is missing the normal options for network interfaces.

Does anyone know a command line workaround for setting up an HTTP proxy, or some way of modifying the prefpane settings for the iPhone network interfaces?

Best Answer

You can use the networksetup command. For example:

sudo networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxy "iPhone USB" localhost 8888

Take a look at http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man8/networksetup.8.html