IPhone – MBP w/ Retina won’t connect to any Bluetooth devices


In the last few days I've started to have recurring issues connecting to my Bluetooth devices. It hadn't happened since I've had the computer (several months) and then suddenly all of my Bluetooth devices (keyboard, trackpad, iPhone) would disconnect and not only can the computer not connect, but Bluetooth preferences won't even display any BT devices.

The first time the issue was resolved with a reboot+cleared PRAM, the second time that didn't work, but I was able to unload/reload the Bluetooth controller to resolve. It happened again today and now I haven't been able to resolve the issue. Any ideas?

OS: 10.10.2
Hardware: MBPw/Retina (2014), iPhone 5S, Apple Bluetooth keyboard and trackpad

Best Answer

Your bluetooth controller is probably kaput. If your MBP is under AppleCare (hopefully still since it's a 2014), this should be covered under warranty. I would take to the local Apple Store for service

If not, go to your local electronics retailer (Walmart will work here), get a usb bluetooth dongle, install and see if devices can connect.

If they can, then you have narrowed down your problem to the internal bluetooth. You may be able to find a BT module on eBay for a nominal price. They are fairly easy to replace. But if you aren't handy with a screwdriver, a local "Geek" could handle this task.