IPhone – iCloud access through browser


My iphone takes photos, automatically uploads them to the cloud in a cool way and then they arrive on my iPhoto without me having to do anything – that's excellent but is it also possible for me to view the photos online through a browser or similar? Apologies if this is a particularly easy question – my google-fu is failing me today…

Best Answer

Modern Answer (2016): This is a feature of iCloud Photo Library, that launched in 2015 (and was in beta in 2014). With the updates to Photo Stream/iCloud Photo Library, your photo library is now viewable on iCloud.com.

Original Answer (2012):

This feature is called Photo Stream, and at this point, there is no web version of it.

The previous iteration of iCloud, which was called Mobile Me, did have a gallery option, but did not have the direct upload integration like Photo Stream (you had to manually post images).

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