IPhone – How to unlock an iPhone 5C


My brother-in-law works at a bar. He has had an iPhone 5C there for months, so he took it and tried to find the owner's phone number so he could contact them about their phone, but iCloud didn't let him get far.

Months went by without anyone coming back to claim it. Now he has given it to me. I have tried my hardest to find at least a number to call but nothing.

Any suggestions how to get the phone unlocked or extract the owner's phone number?

Best Answer

Though this is in effect a duplicate of How can I bypass Activation Lock? as it's a nice clean question, looking for a legitimate solution - to which only the police or perhaps network provider might be able to assist.

It does, however give an opportunity for a lesson in "be prepared".

In this circumstance, or indeed if you were in an accident - if the authorities can't get in your phone they may not even know who you are..

Solution - 5 minutes in Photoshop or Gimp…

Put your ICE on your lock screen.

enter image description here

The picture needs to be 200px larger than your screen resolution in both directions, because of the parallax/motion effect, & it might need a couple of attempts to get the text out of the way of the Slide to Unlock, but it's well worth it for peace of mind.