IPhone – How to start Bluetooth tethering using the command line


I'd like a quick way to start tethering using my iPhone, hopefully just using the keyboard. Using the bluetooth menu, I can choose the Connect to Network option in the submenu for my device, but is it possible to automate this?

Ultimately I want to assign this to a shortcut in (the very awesome) Alfred.app, but anything using the command line or AppleScript will work.

Is this possible? Thanks!!

Best Answer

It doesn't look like there is a direct AppleScript dictionary for working with Bluetooth this way.

You could use GUI scripting though, which basically uses the accessibility feature of the Mac OS to select menu items, etc.

A great writeup on how to start with GUI AppleScript is available on MacOSAutomation.com.

GUI automation can be difficult if you have a constantly changing list of things, but if you commonly have a list of bluetooth items connected that stays the same you should be ok.

You could then call this AppleScript through Alfred.