IPhone – How to set the iPhone to play music/audio while asleep


Is it possible to set the iPhone to play music/audio while asleep? If so, how do you configure it?


I don't mean locking the phone or turning the screen off. When I play an audio file (for instance, http://m.insightforliving.ca/current-broadcast) and the phone goes to sleep (I think it's called deep sleep), the audio stops playing. Is there a way of setting it up in iPhone that the audio keeps playing even in deep sleep?

Best Answer

In this case it sounds like we want to disable auto-lock. This can be done by opening Settings.app, going to General, then scrolling down to "Auto-Lock". Set this to "Never".

It is possible use the speakers on iPhone to play even when the device is locked. This is possible by:

  1. Opening Music.app
  2. Select song/album/playlist
  3. Lock the device. The music will continue to play.

You can also double tap the home button when the device is locked to show play/pause controls for the last-played music.

Also, other apps continue to play when the device is locked such as Voice Memos.

Note: all audio will shut off when the phone is powered off.

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