IPhone – How to save iOS Notes that maintain remain formatted


I have an iPhone 5 running iOS 8.4.1. I have many Notes that are formatted using bold, italics, carriage returns, etc.

How can I save these Notes off to my Windows laptop via iTunes or some third-party software, while preserving the formatting of my Notes? Such software would need to be able to sync those Notes back to my iPhone, while still preserving all the rich text.

I want everything to remain local to my devices, so I don’t want to use iCloud.

Thank you.

Best Answer

  • The new version of iCloud Notes, available at https://www.icloud.com/#notes2, supports viewing rich text notes with formatting.
  • Notes in OS X, besides viewing and editing rich text notes, supports exporting notes as PDF. Select the note you wish to export and choose File → Export as PDF….